Sunday, September 9, 2018

Growth Mindset: Student Thoughts

The first quote that I found provided a new perspective is that feedback is a gift. I have never thought of it this way, but it really is. People are taking the time to genuinely engage with your work and help you to get better. This will help me in appreciating feedback in the future. The second was to find the lesson. This helps me to remain positive in moments of failure. It is important to learn from our failures rather than just become upset and give up. Both of these quotes put growth mindset in a new perspective for me.

1 comment:

  1. Andy, just to say that once again I am so glad for the extra credit stuff you are doing and working ahead; I literally added that gift quote to the Padlet this morning; it was my first update for the semester. Yay! I need to put the Padlet inside our Canvas spaces now too. :-)
