Sunday, August 26, 2018

Feedback Strategies

The first article that I found helpful for giving good feedback is the 7 Key Characteristics of Better Learning Feedback. I found the tips very concrete and easy to remember. The main points i found useful were to have an end goal in mind, be actionable, and transparent. The most important sentence I read was to provide helpful facts. No praise or blame is needed. Instead, point out facts that can be improved upon and try to provide a helpful path forward.

The second article that I found useful was the Seven Characteristics of Effective Feedback. An important part in reading this was to focus more on providing solutions rather than simply pointing out flaws or problems. This is something concrete that I can incorporate into my own feedback. It is also important to point out strengths and avoid being overly negative. This article was very helpful to me in finding appropriate ways to give helpful feedback.

After reading these articles, I feel confident in giving people feedback. I have had some experience in this, mostly doing peer reviews in writing intensive college courses, so this is not completely new to me. Some things that are very helpful to me are being specific and providing possible solutions.

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