Friday, August 31, 2018

Story Lab: Writers Write

I used this assignment to explore the Writers Write website, and I found many helpful articles. The most helpful, however, was the article titled 10 Good Reasons to Read More Books. The first tip I found for writing is to read more fiction. This article said that it is important to read fiction in order to learn how to craft good stories. This is a key for me. I know that I need to read more fiction. As a science major, I often get stuck in the rut of reading nothing but dense, non-fiction science textbooks. This makes storytelling seem almost foreign to me as I am not used to creatively writing.

I also enjoyed reading the article titled 3 Simple Ways to Kick-Start Your Writing.  The first tip, Suess it up, sounds fun and engaging to warm up before creatively writing. Overall, the takeaway from this article is to find a way to get the creative juices warmed up before writing. I think this will prove to be helpful for me, and I look forward trying it out.

1 comment:

  1. Andy, I was so glad when I saw this post! The whole "writer's lab" thing is a new idea based on suggestions from students last year who said it was just too much to be writing new stories every single week. If you have ideas of other kinds of learning-about-writing activities that would be good to add to the list, you can let me know! That Writers Write website is one of my favorites; I have been following them online for many years now. You'll probably notice some of their graphics coming up in the class announcements now and then. :-)
